Politico Hellperson Conversion Set – a sprue containing two horns and a barbed tail allowing you to convert your Politicos according to show them in their true colours. Remember the expression ‘the devil made me do it’? Well, now you can prove that it was true! Demonic possession can let you get away with anything without the need to feel any trace of guilt – not that you do anyway as, in the game of Politicopoly, you fight to win!
To attach the horns and tail you’ll need a small drill and superglue. Hobby hand drills can be picked up easily via eBay such as this one; – not my auction but just an example. Just search on Pin Vice Drill.
The Politico Hellperson conversion set was lovingly sculpted by Steve Marchant.
Please Note:
We supply all Politico gaming figures unpainted and without separate bases.
White metal miniatures are not toys and contain lead.
Some clean up using modelling files /craft knife may be required.