The Treasure Dragon



The Treasure Dragon, sitting on the ultimate prize for both dungeon dwellers and adventurers alike. Aloft his mighty pile of loot, the dragon gazes imperiously at his surroundings… do you dare to test his wrath?

Treasure Dragon is a 3 piece resin casting that requires assembly and may need a gentle wash in soapy water (I use an old toothbrush) before painting. The model is sculpted by the wonderful John Pickford who also sculpted the Bar Room Brawl range. The sculpt sits on a treasure base that is approximately 11cms by 5.5cms.

Dragons in mythology came in all shapes and sizes and also in all temperaments! They can be intelligent and belligerent, bestial and savage… the choice is always yours, of course.

If you need a name for your dragon then there is an excellent name generating site here (I have no connection to it, it’s just in my saved folder of interesting things!).

Please Note:
We supply all gaming figures unpainted.
The models may contain small parts and also may require assembly / some cleaning up with a file / craft knife and, as such, may not be suitable for children under 14 years of age.